OBCD takes inspiration from the analysis of a new entrepreneurship paradigm. Based on the necessity of combining economic growth and social innovation, the project aims to create more inclusive, creative and sustainable societies and economies. The project investigates how open business approaches applied to social entrepreneurship (SE) can contribute to local development. This concept leads to new challenges for education and training since it highlights emerging occupations as well as new knowledge, competences and skills, for the development of the so-called SEs.

Unlock your potential
and change the world
with social entrepreneurship!

The objective of the project is to foster innovation in HE, c-VET, enterprises and the broader socioeconomic environment by developing and testing new training modules, focused on open business principles, that address skill gaps in the SE sector. OBCD will analyse emerging skills and occupations, identifying learning outcomes (LOs) that can be used and adapted for the development of 2 new curricula (from EQF 5 to 6) and training modules, which will be tested at the HE and VET levels.

The project will also promote the co-creation of knowledge between HE, VET, research, the public sector and business in order to contribute to innovation in business modelling, education and training.

This will be pursued by fostering the development of “Knowledge Triangles” (bringing together HEI, VET, and business stakeholders) that will collaboratively develop innovative education contents and tools. The project will also establish business ecosystems for SE, aiming to develop aware, sustainable and connected communities able to generate business value and sustainable development at local level through Open Business models.


Fostering new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning

Fostering corporate social responsibility

Stimulating a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial attitudes, mind-sets and skills in learners, educational staff and other workers, in line with the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp)

Improving the quality and relevance of skills developed and certified through education and training systems (by introducing new skills and tackling skills mismatches)

Facilitating the flow and co-creation of knowledge between higher education and vocational education and training, research, the public sector and the business sector


Knowledge Triangles Agreement

Training Structure Report

Two Modular Curricula

Training Toolkit


OBCD Bootcamp Report

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Local Development Plans

Interactive Service Platform

Local Hub Prototype

Internal Evaluation Reports

Policy Recommendations

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